
It's good to see you.

May everyone have a safe and healthy school year.

Request more information via email: info@meadowlark.ca

Meadowlark Tutorials provides at-home and on-line remedial education services for students with learning disabilities and difficulties learning. At-home sessions are held in the Ottawa, Ontario region in rural and urban communities. On-line services are available to individuals in Ottawa and across Canada.

All services are available at-home and on-line.

Celebrating more than 30 years of service since 1992.

Confidence to Aspire

Meadowlark Tutorials is a private at-home and on-line remedial education service for persons with learning disabilities and difficulties learning. Dyslexia, Attention Deficit Disorder, Auditory Processing Disorders, Visual Processing Disorders, and Language Acquisition Disorders are examples of learning disabilities which are worked with.  Remedial (meaning to fix or make better) sessions are held in the student's home.
In school remediation is available upon special arrangements with the school. 

Celebrating more than 30 years of service since 1992.


Services are provided in the home environment of the student where they are comfortable and do not have to travel for sessions. At-home lessons are available, however they may be restricted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please e-mail for availability.


Lessons held via video (FaceTime, Skype, ...) offer students continued support with Mr. Phil. Although we are not meeting in person, these sessions will try to be relaxed, fun, and as educational as those lessons held in person at home.
On-line lessons are available to students across Canada and beyond.
E-mail  info@meadowlark.ca to ask for more information. 

What are Learning Disabilities?

 Learning disabilities are difficulties that some people may have with learning, using, and understanding written and spoken language.  Information is learned in jumbled pieces rather than in a whole message.  These jumbled messages may make the learning process awkward and frustrating. Learning disabilities slow or block information from being learned.  Difficulties with listening, thinking, talking, reading, writing, spelling, and mathematics may be experienced.  Learning disabilities include reading disorders, language-based learning difficulties, speech and language problems, and conceptual disorders.

Thank you for visiting.

It is my effort to keep you up to date with the resources you need to help learn how to learn so you may develop confidence to aspire.

You may contact us at info@meadowlark.ca
and follow us on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook
and the podcast at mytutormrphil.podbean.com

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