Note taking
Divide your paper in half from top to bottom. You may have it divided in half, or left side 2/3rds of the page and the right side 1/3rd of the page. You may either fold it or use a ruler to draw the dividing line. You now have two columns. Use the LEFT side to write your notes. Use the RIGHT side to write new information, corrections, or to simplify your notes.
Having two columns helps you review, and helps you have room to change the notes without having to rewrite them.
There are also portable note-taking devices. One such device is the popular Livescribe electronic note-taking pen [
link]. HP offers keyboards and attachments [
link]. iPad from Apple Computers [
Studying does not have to be difficult. If you review your notes, read the text, and practice one subject for each night of the week by the end of the week you will have reviewed all your subjects.
On the last night of the week, do a full review of all your subjects.
Studying does take time. You need to plan your time to make sure you have enough time to review and do your homework.
Test readiness 
Getting ready for a test is made much easier if you have being using the studying ideas mentioned above.
Planning your time 
Your time must be planned. Learning needs to have time to develop and grow, don't rush learning. Plan what time will be set aside for playing, television, homework, and reviewing for studying. Ask for help with this plan. Do it well and your time spent with homework will be easier and less frustrating.
Listen to Books
 Some books are available on tape. For some listening to a book being read is much easier to follow the story. Listening to books is not cheating. You can find many books on tape at the public library. Ottawa Public Library [
link]. You can also buy recoded books. One such store is [
link] and [