Identification, Placement, Review Committee and the Individual Education Plan

An IPRC and IEP process creates a legal document for your child’s education plan. 

IPRC / IEP assistance

An IPRC and IEP process creates a legal document for your child’s education plan. 
Understanding the Identification Placement Review Committee and the Individualized Education Plan process can be, and often is, a daunting experience. Assistance is available to help the parents/guardians of the student understand the processes involved in the IPRC and IEP meetings.

Topics discussed include: laws and legal rights, terminology, definitions, and components/parts of an IEP-IPRC.

Please contact us to plan a time to meet.

Here are some links to sites that provide excellent guides to help prepare you for an IPRC and IEP meeting.

1. http://www.ldao.ca/wp-content/uploads/A-Parents-Guide-to-Special-Education.pdf

2. https://cdn5-ss13.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_55394/File/Elementary/Special%20Education/IEP_Guide.pdf

3. http://www.bhncdsb.ca/sites/content/files/resources/iep_guide_for_parents.pdf

4. http://www.specialneedsontario.ca/education-2/iep/

Thank you for visiting.

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and the podcast at mytutormrphil.podbean.com

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